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Hi friends,

I can’t believe the time I’m writing this! I’m already two weeks into Training Camp. Some things I’ve got to experience in these short weeks include bucket showers, bucket laundry, revival nights of constant worship, meals with an awesome team, morning workouts, sleeping full time in a tent, street evangelism, sessions preparing my heart and mind for this trip, and so, so much more. To describe these past couple weeks I would specifically use the word “joy.” Since the moment I met my team, God has highlighted this word to all of us, each trial and tribulation my team and I have faced has ultimately been turned into laughter and growing closer through vulnerability and our common love for Jesus. One of my biggest fears/constant prayer requests was loneliness. I was so nervous to meet my team and leave behind the comfort of my lukewarm lifestyle to be pushed to my limits and tested in ways that seemed so scary. Since being here God has shown me that not only can I trust in his plans for me but that he is so faithful. I already feel so at home with my team making friends within the first day and truly skipping that awkward introduction phase with almost all of them and growing in this community full of love and joy from the Lord. A cool part of the World Race is the amount of leadership opportunities! Many of my team members and I were assigned to multiple groups of different roles that we will use and grow in over our time in the next nine months. The role I got assigned to was Hospitality, which entails that I, along with a couple of others, get to step into this role and do things like planning holidays, celebrating each other on birthdays with different activities, and leading our team keeping them in check with cleanliness and making sure we are respecting the Hosts of each country we will be staying in. As soon as I heard the options of roles I knew this role was a great fit for me. Something about me is that I love culinary and hospitality, so getting to use this interest of mine to not only grow in leadership but also see God use me in a way I wouldn’t have expected is such an exciting thing that I can’t wait to grow in. As I step into this next season of Training Camp and start my nine months of ministry and missions, please be praying for me and my team. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to remind each of us of His presence daily and allow us to relish in these moments we get to spend growing our faith and relationships with one another and with our God and Father. Pray for our safety and health, in these first few weeks my team has already faced a couple of bugs here and there, so please be praying for quick recovery and strength throughout our team to go and be used as vessels to carry out God’s Will. And finally please pray for my fundraising, although this trip has already started I still will be fundraising to reach the rest of my goal which is currently $5,183.82. I have no doubt that the Lord will provide these funds and I can’t wait to see how He uses me and my team on this trip. If you feel called to donate follow the link below to support my cause! I truly thank you all for your constant support and prayers and I look forward to sharing more! 🙂

Many Thanks,

Sophie DeGraaf

2 responses to “The first couple weeks…”

  1. It sounds like you’re off to an amazing start!!
    I will pray for the Lord to bless your time with your team and with all the new people you will meet and interact with. May God’s grace be in the midst your group!
    Love Melody 🎶

  2. Praying for you Sophie that the Lord will keep you and preserve you and that you will continue to grow in Him. We are always happy to see an update from you.
    Love, Grandpa and Grandma

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